5 steps to God


God loves you. He has made you and He only wants what is best for you. It does not matter who you are, where you come from, or what you have done. God’s love is the greatest love there is and His love for you will never change.


God sent His only Son, Jesus, to earth. Only His death could restore the distance that came between us and God. Man thought that he knew a better way and therefore went his own direction. Because of this there came a distance between man and God. Jesus came and died on the cross, and after three days He rose again. Now it is possible again for us to have a relationship with God.


When you receive God’s gift, you receive forgiveness of sins. You become His child and you receive a complete new life filled with all of God’s blessings. The greatest blessing is to receive eternal life with Him. Receiving God’s gift is simple. It can happen anywhere, at any time. Just ask Jesus to come into your life, and He will.


Every person received the right to choose in this life where he/she will spend eternity. We have a soul that will live forever. Without God we are on our way to a place of only sadness, pain and sorrow. But if you choose for Jesus, your eternal destination will be changed forever.


If you want to have the best life now, here on earth, and you want to spend eternity in heaven, you must make this choice. There is no other way to God. If you will take this step to ask Him into your life, He will do everything He has promised. Remember that He wants the best for you!


Dear God, I want to become Your child. I know that You love me and I want to call You Father. I believe Jesus came for me. I believe that He died on the cross and after three days He rose again. I ask forgiveness for what I thought wrong, said wrong and did wrong. Will You please do what You have promised and give me eternal life? In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!

Have you prayed this prayer?

Congratulations! Welcome in the family of God!

Door deze woorden te bidden, ben jij begonnen aan de belangrijkste reis die je ooit zult maken! Leven als een kind van God is het beste leven dat je kunt hebben hier op aarde. Maar hoe nu verder?

Wij willen jou graag op weg helpen. Stuur ons een mail en wij sturen jou dan gratis het boekje ‘Een nieuwe start’ op. Lees één week lang iedere dag een hoofdstuk om beter te begrijpen wat er met je gebeurd is en wat de volgende stappen zijn. Het is een avontuur voor jong en oud om met Hem de levensweg te bewandelen.

We zijn blij dat ook jij nu bij Gods familie hoort!

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