
Johan Maasbach World Mission

How it started


Johan & Willy Maasbach

Johan Maasbach was raised as child number 13 in a family with 14 children. At age 17 he left home and enrolled as a cook’s mate on ship sailing to Hamburg. During his years on the sea, he experienced God’s protecting hand and he knew that God called him to preach the Gospel. In his spare time, he traveled through the Netherlands with his "Gospel tent".

Wilhelmina Klumper, born in a family with 4 children, also had a heart for missions. After 2 years of Bible school in Switzerland, she helped spreading the Gospel in the cities Stadskanaal and Vroomshoop in the Netherlands. During a tent meeting in Stadskanaal, Johan and Wilhelmina met for the first time. In 1952, Johan left the work at sea and they got married and prepared for a life serving the Lord fulltime in ministry.

Not long after that, Johan and Wilhelmina Maasbach started evangelical church meetings in Gouda. They were pioneers, since there was no Full Gospel or Pentecostal church there at that time. It was in this city they bought their first church building, the Bethlehem Church in the Zeugstraat 38.



Revival Miracle Holland

In 1958 God gave a big breakthrough for the Full Gospel in the Netherlands. The American evangelist T.L. Osborn came to the Malieveld in The Hague and to the Bodenterrein in Groningen, what caused a great spiritual awakening and revival movement. Every evening up to one hundred thousand people gathered on the field. Thousands gave their lives to Christ and got saved. Countless wonderful miracles of healing took place. Dozens of Pentecostal and Full Gospel churches were born in this period of time.

In a miraculous way, Johan was used as interpreter. Because he was now known as the interpreter, many doors opened to preach the Gospel. Johan was often invited to have campaigns. After Gouda, also in cities like Dordrecht, Leiden, Amsterdam, The Hague and Utrecht, churches were planted. Besides campaigns in many cities and villages in the Netherlands, Johan Maasbach also went abroad to have campaigns.


World Headquarters

Many Gospel campaigns were held in various countries. Also in the Netherlands many campaigns were organized that led to the planting of new churches. In 1966 and 1968, the Johan Maasbach World Mission (JMWM) bought the cinema "Capitol" and the large, five story retail store "Lijnkamp" in The Hague. They are now called Capitol Gospel Center and the world headquarters of the Johan Maasbach World Mission. They were officially opened by T.L. Osborn.

A memorable moment was the memorial service for Johan Maasbach in 1997. Evangelist Johan and Wilhelmina were chosen to start this ministry. They were faithful to God’s call on their lives. The mission work has continued under leadership of David and Regina Maasbach, with numerous faithful workers on their side.

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